SEPAM Seminar  Erasmus+ and Recent Developments in EU-Turkey Relations February, 22– Mr. Christian Berger Ambassador

 SEPAM Seminar “Turkey and the Cold War: Three Years of Turkish Foreign Policy Through the Diaries of a Turkish Diplomat 1958-1960 February, 26– Mr. Sinan Kuneralp Publisher and Historian of Diplomacy

 SEPAM Seminar Unequal Centuries: The History of the Turkish Economy Since 1820 May, 2– Prof. Dr. Şevket Pamuk Historian of Economics

SEPAM Panel Nato's Future and Turkey's View of the Alliance – December, 19 –

Place:Akdeniz University, Faculty of Bussiness, Economic and Administrative Sciences, Yavuz Tekelioğlu Conference Hall

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hayati Aktaş


NATO's Changing Character Since the Cold War” – Prof. Dr. Tarık Oğuzlu

NATO's Military Concept and Changing Threat Perceptions” –Mr. Gürsel Tokmakoğlu Staff Colonel (Retired)

Turkey's View of NATO: What Has Changed and What Hasn't” – Mr. Avni Aksoy T.C. Ambassador and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Antalya Representative

SEPAM Panel Civil Society and Their Contributions to Cities: Industrialist Businesspeople’ Associations in Antalya May, 8:

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Tarık Oğuzlu


NGO Participation and Individual Change in Turkey” Assistant Professor Didem Çakmaklı İşler

Civil Society Cooperation Networks: Example of Antalya Employer Associations” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl Cerem Cenker Özek

With YORSIAD Experience: Industrialist Businessmen's Associations in Antalya and Their Effects” Mr. Semih Beken (YÖRSİAD-Chairman of the Board of Directors)

BAKSİFED and Industrialist Businessmen's Associations in the Western Mediterranean Region” Mr. Abdullah Erdoğan (BAKSİFED-Chairman of the Board of Directors)

AGİDER and Women in NON-Governmental Organizations” Dr. Figen Sayın Yıldıran (AGİDER- Chairman of the Board of Directors)