“II. Abdülhamit Period in Ottoman Empire”- Dr. Akın SEFER- 25.02.2022
“Lausanne Peace Agreement”- Assoc. Dr. Sevtap DEMIRCI- 18.03.2022
“Turkey in the One Party Period”- Prof. Dr. Zafer TOPRAK- 25.03.2022
“Turkey in the Democratic Party Period”- Assoc. Dr. Murat KASAPSARAÇOĞLU- 08.04.2022
“Turkey in the Period Between Two Coups“- Prof. Dr. Asım KARAÖMERLİOĞLU 22.04.2022
“1980s and 90s Turkey”- Assoc. Dr. Murat KASAPSARAÇOĞLU- 13.05.2022
“Values and Digital Transformation”- Prof. Dr. İsmail YÜKSEK ve Dr. Ali Cem BAŞARIR- 21.12.2022
“Introduction to AI for Social Scientists: A Conservation with Professor Hilal Kazan”- Assoc. Dr. Hilal KAZAN- 14.12.2022
“ABU Alumni Talks-I: Political Science and International Relations”- Participants: Hande KARS, Gökberk KESKİN, Sena MUŞ- 21.12.2022