“The Role of the EU in the 21st Century”- Dimitris Tsarouhas, Ph.D.- 26.02.2015
“New Avenues for an Old Science: Basics and Future of Political Psychology”- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre ERDOĞAN- 10.04.2015
“Social Movements and Online Media in Turkey”- Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre HATİPOĞLU- 16.04.2015
“The Future of the European Union and the Changing Dynamics of Turkey-EU Relations”- Assoc. Prof. Senem Aydın DÜZGİT- 07.10.2015
“Changing World Order and Amerıcan Foreign Policy”- Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak KUNTAY- 04.11.2015
“Migration into Turkey”- 13.11.2015
“Syrian Conlict: The Revenge of Power Politics and the Future of the Mıddle East”- Assoc. Prof. Ahmet K. HAN- 22.12.2015